Scholarship Stories

Addis-Ababa Barge

First-generation Graphic Design Student Addis-Ababa Barge finds inspiration and motivation through scholarships such as the Berlin Study Away Scholarship, Mary Elizabeth (Betsy) Davis Endowed Scholarship and the Siras Greiner Endowed Scholarship.

Without financial aid and scholarship awards I would not be able to afford my ArtCenter education. I was incredibly humbled and grateful to receive a donor scholarship. It not only allowed me to continue my education with less financial burden, it validated my efforts and reinforced that they aren’t going unnoticed. This continues to inspire and motivate me to excel and push forward.

I don’t come from privilege, and I never thought a private art education would ever be in my future. As a Black woman, and the first generation in my family to go to college, education has been an empowering achievement that I take seriously.

I moved from Denver, where my family lives, to Pasadena to pursue my BFA at ArtCenter. Mentally, physically, and financially, this decision has not been easy for me, but I have gained a lot. Being awarded scholarships and financial aid has helped and keeps my student loans low.

ArtCenter has challenged me professionally and academically, as well as personally, to show up for myself and others. I have become more comfortable with my voice and, through design, I’m becoming confident in my abilities to create and innovate with intimacy, while using an investigative approach that explores themes of identity, race and unique perspectives.

I have had a great experience networking and connecting with my colleagues and professors, many of whom I consider my mentors. My professors have been incredibly important to my growth here at ArtCenter.

Thank you for your generosity!

Without financial aid and scholarship awards, I would not be able to afford my ArtCenter education. I was incredibly humbled and grateful to receive a donor scholarship.

Addis-Ababa BargeGraphic Design Student