On-campus counseling services with licensed therapists are available at no charge for up to five visits per term. This service is for students who need short-term help with immediate personal problems. To schedule an initial appointment, students can see any staff member in the Center for the Student Experience. We can also refer students to any one of a number of off-campus therapists and other health care providers, as needed. Due to high demand, we recommend students schedule appointments as early as possible to ensure they can be seen by one of the therapists.
In partnership with our Financial Aid Office, we provide workshops and other resources to enhance students’ understanding and management of personal finances, building a foundation for successful personal financial management following graduation.
CSE sponsors health, wellness and safety workshops throughout the year and provides educational literature on a variety of health-related topics. In partnership with 24 Hour Fitness, we also provide students with discounted fitness center memberships with no contracts or start-up fees.
Enrolled students are eligible to use the gym facilities at Occidental College during the Fall and Spring semesters during designated hours. For more information please refer to the Student Handbook or contact the Center for the Student Experience.
ArtCenter provides health insurance for all students enrolled in degree programs, whether full-time or an ArtCenter Lite term.
The student health insurance plan is a benefit of the College and may not be waived. If a student has an existing insurance policy, the student health insurance plan becomes secondary.
Enrolled students with a dependent (spouse, child or domestic partner) may purchase dependent coverage. Dental and vision coverage is not included in the student health insurance plan; however, students can enroll for this additional coverage.
Student health insurance coverage begins on the first Saturday of each academic term and continues through each official College break. Those who enroll from term to term will not experience a lapse in coverage. Students on a Leave of Absence may purchase the insurance plan for one term per academic year (September–August).
The Center for the Student Experience staff is available to assist students with understanding policy coverage, how to find a doctor and billing and claims procedures.
Please note that students are required to complete a claim form for each injury or this insurance plan will not cover the cost of health services received.
For more information regarding the Student Health Insurance Plan, visit the Center for the Student Experience for a brochure or go to aetnastudenthealth.com.
626 396-2323
Weekdays, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.