Lectures and Workshops

Trina: A Design Fiction

Thursday, January 25, 2018

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Add to Calendar

Wind Tunnel Graduate Center for Critical Practice
Art Center College of Design
950 S. Raymond Ave
Pasadena, CA 91105
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By Anne Burdick and Janet Sarbanes
Reading + Slide Show + Live Electronic Sound Accompaniment
Performed by Anne Burdick and Casey Anderson

19-minute performance starts promptly at 7:15 followed by short Q&A.
Reception to follow.

Trina is a “design fiction show-and-tell” about an unemployed literary scholar who creates “n-dimensional knowledge objects” alone in her RV in the desert. Through Trina’s augmented eyes we see the software-mediated daily life within which the mystery of a cryptic, typewritten document unfolds.

Trina is a 19-minute 3-part pecha-kucha comprised of a reading, a slide show, and live-electronic sound accompaniment.

Trina is conceived and produced by designer Anne Burdick (Digital_Humanities, Writing Machines) in collaboration with writer Janet Sarbanes (Army of One), with live-electronic sound accompaniment by sound artist Casey Anderson.

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