On Campus Promotion and Poster Policy

Effective Date: October 1, 2024

Flyers, posters, signs and other physical items are frequently used at ArtCenter to communicate and promote various events and activities to the ArtCenter community. The College has outlined this policy to help maintain consistency and manage the source, content and timing of these promotions. Lack of proper management over these promotions can negatively impact our environment, lead to proliferation, create clutter, confusion and disrupt priority messaging and events the College needs to communicate to its constituencies.

Any requested exceptions to these protocols may be made to the appropriate dean or vice president in consultation with the College’s Marketing and Communications Division.

Facilities may remove all posters from a wall or posting area at any time.

Typically, interior and exterior walls are cleared, cleaned and often painted during breaks between terms. In addition, it may be necessary to clear a wall or posting area during the term for use by a class, to display student work, for renovation/construction or some other purpose as determined by the College.

Posters on campus should:

  • promote an ArtCenter event;
  • promote an ArtCenter activity;
  • arrange a meet-up;
  • provide information about a course or course section;
  • relate to a campus or sponsored group;
  • offer a limited time student opportunity;
  • promote a research opportunity or request (must be in conjunction with a class with the instructor’s permission); and/or
  • pertain to a specific offering

Unless part of a class project and authorized by the department, posters that do not fit into one of these categories are not permitted. In addition, any content/materials must meet the criteria as outlined below:

ArtCenter encourages free expression and protects academic freedom. We acknowledge that a robust exchange of ideas may at times be contentious or offensive to some. With these principles in mind, we remind people posting promotional material on campus that we will not tolerate hateful speech or content directed at an individual or group of people. Please see ArtCenter’s Freedom of Expression Policy for additional information.

Who can post and for what purpose?

Members of the ArtCenter community regarding ArtCenter-related matters.

For ArtCenter College and Institutional Messaging:

  • Posters must be approved in advance by Marketing and Communications.
  • All creative and content must adhere to ArtCenter Brand and Branding guidelines or another subset guideline preapproved by MarCom.

For Official ArtCenter Departments, Divisions and Programs:

    • Posters must be approved by the dean or director of the division or department or chair of the Department.
    • All creative and content must adhere to ArtCenter Brand and Branding guidelines, or other subset guidelines preapproved by MarCom, and compliant with other existing policies.
    • A courtesy share of creative should be sent to Marketing and Communications via email to marcom@artcenter.edu.
    • Final designs for all postings must be approved by the sponsoring department and must include the sponsoring department’s name and contact information to be posted on campus. Any materials lacking the name of a sponsoring group, office or department may be removed and discarded.
  • The sponsoring department should be the academic or administrative department involved in the subject of the poster. If you are unclear who the appropriate department is or believe you don’t have one, you can contact marcom@artcenter.edu for guidance or approval.

Student clubs or organizations:

  • Posters must be approved by the Center for the Student Experience (CSE), and follow all guidelines set forth for club posters.

Members of the ArtCenter community (faculty/staff/students) regarding non-ArtCenter related matters:

Members of our community occasionally publicize non-College-related off-campus events, such as a gallery show or opening. ArtCenter may permit these types of promotional posters as long as they adhere to protocols contained in this policy, including approval from a sponsoring department or office and contact information.

  • The sponsoring department should be the academic or administrative department involved in the subject of the poster. If you are unclear who the appropriate department is or believe you don’t have one, you can contact marcom@artcenter.edu for guidance or approval.

Third parties offering goods or services to ArtCenter community:

Not permitted to post on campus. They may contact CSE to post on the electronic housing board or CPD to post a job opportunity on ArtCenter Connect.

Poster basics

    • Announcements should only be posted in the appropriate locations on campus—See Posting Locations:
  • All existing bulletin boards can retain their locations and content. They are not covered under this policy.
  • All posters must include an event date or remove-by date on the poster.
  • All posters must be removed within 15 days of posting or within a week after the event being advertised, whichever is shorter.
  • All posters must include a contact individual and contact information (can be a QR code) in addition to the sponsoring department or office.
  • Posters and flyers may not exceed 11 x 17.

Permissions and Approvals

    • Final designs for all postings must be approved by the sponsoring department and must include the sponsoring department’s name and contact information to be posted on campus. Any materials lacking the name of a sponsoring group may be removed and discarded.
  • The sponsoring department should be the academic or administrative department involved in the subject of the poster. If you are unclear who the appropriate department is or believe you don’t have one, you can contact marcom@artcenter.edu for guidance or approval.
    • Flyers and Posters should also provide information (or links to information) on how to obtain accommodations and accessibility for events or activities.
  • Example: “[ORGANIZATION or DEPT NAME] is committed to making our events accessible to everyone. If you require an accommodation or service to fully participate, please contact [NAME at EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER] at least {#} days prior to the event.”

Posting Locations

  • Posting locations in each building are indicated on the attached diagrams. The walls will also be marked where posting is allowed. Do not post outside of these locations.
  • No posting in or on elevators.
  • No posting in stairwells due to Fire department codes (flammable material in egress paths).
  • Do not post on glass or windows (a very limited exception at Hillside for event directional signage which must be removed promptly after the event).
  • Do not post in restrooms or on cars.
  • Do not post outside or on the exterior of any building.
  • Do not post on doors
  • Exception for notices to class (instructor ill, for example) or messages posted by the occupant of the office.
  • Please be mindful of posting conventions or preferences at different campus locations.
  • Maintain sufficient space between the displayed work and other posters to ensure the posters do not detract or create confusion, and please do not post on top of other items.
  • Do not post in high-traffic bottleneck locations where people stopping to read posters could be a safety hazard.
  • Use the fewest number of pieces for effective advertising and do not post multiple copies in any one location.
  • Do not obstruct or otherwise interfere with building way-finding or emergency signage.
  • Security will remove non-complying posters.
  • Posting privileges may be revoked for failure to adhere to guidelines.
  • Departments with defined areas of the College (Employee Experience, Entertainment Design, Spatial Experience Design, Illustration, Graphic Design, for example) may post their own departmental notices within those locations. Please make sure it is clear that the notice is in relation to your department.
  • Existing bulletin boards may continue to be used as they are now.

Types of poster materials, and non-poster promotional materials:

  • Individuals are urged to use sustainable materials and consider electronic media such as Inside News, the Student Bulletin and Campus Digital Signage to reduce environmental impact and minimize clutter.
  • A-frames and sandwich boards (with or without posters) may only be placed on campus if they are sponsored by a registered student organization, or for an official event.
  • Posters on sticks are not permitted because of damage to grass, sod, vegetation and potential injury to pedestrian traffic.
  • Appropriate drafting dots must be used to minimize wall damage when removing. Available at the Student Store.

For approvals, exceptions, questions contact:
Security at campussecurity@artcenter.edu
Marketing and Communications at marcom@artcenter.edu
CSE at cse@artcenter.edu