Agnes Bertiz

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Humanities and Sciences


Agnes A. Bertiz received her B.A. in Art History and Psychology from Occidental College and M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Southern California, specializing in Italian Renaissance art. She currently teaches Western and Asian art history courses, on campus and on study tours abroad in Italy and Japan. She has taught previously in USC’s Summer Italian Language Program in Verona, Italy and at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York as a post-doctoral fellow.

Bertiz co-organized the exhibition The (Dis)Embodied Filipina: Fashioning Domesticity, Weaving Desire (October 2009 - February 2010) at USC Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena. She published an essay on the illuminated Tacuinum Sanitatis manuscripts that appeared in the anthology on the cultural history of gardens, Auf der Suche nach Eden. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Gartens, ed. Eva-Maria Stolberg (Vienna, 2008).


  • HHIS-257-01: Women: Renaissance+baroque Art
  • HHIS-221-01: History of Art 2