Style Guide

An updated ArtCenter Editorial Style Guide has been compiled by Marketing and Communications based on a combination of sources, in particular The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook, which serves as our primary guide for most materials, with some important exceptions.

Recommendations covered in the Editorial Style Guide include:

  • ArtCenter institutional nomenclature
  • Academic department nomenclature
  • Alumni degrees
  • Alumni references
  • Campus locations nomenclature
  • Faculty titles
  • Other titles
  • Additional editorial guidelines from A to Z

Every style guide reflects the personality of the institution that created it. In general ArtCenter is “down-style,” per The AP Stylebook, which means we avoid unnecessary capitalization within running text and we allow, in certain contexts, use of colloquial language such as “alums” instead of “alumni.”

Recommendations in the ArtCenter Editorial Style Guide apply to official communications of the College and other materials conveying an institutional voice, for example press releases, written correspondence, Dot magazine, Bulletin, Website content, Viewbook, Public Programs catalogs, stand-alone brochures, invitations and posters intended for an external audience; and marketing emails and direct mail letters. These guidelines do not apply to informal communications, such as social media, campus fliers, informal emails and internal administrative codes which follow more flexible standards, for example, often using shorthand for names of degree programs.

Our style guide will continue to evolve and we welcome your questions and suggestions.

ArtCenter Editorial Style Guide