Born in 1989, Zhe Chen is a photo-based artist born and raised in Beijing. She received her BFA in Photography and Imaging from ArtCenter in 2011. Chen is the recipient of the Three Shadows Award (2011), the Inge Morath Award from the Magnum Foundation (2011) and the Xitek New Talent Award (2015). Her work is included in public and private collections and has exhibited internationally. Chen’s work is often restored as an ongoing process of exploration, discovery and research. In her early work where the physical self-destruction of her subjects is identified as an act of spiritual cleansing, Chen sought “another way of telling” by expanding her photographic observations with a collection of journals and letters. In her latest work "Towards Evening: Six Chapters," Chen uses dusk as the main theme to continue her quest of the visible and speakable, creating a transforming and impelling force between reading and viewing.