Hand holding paintbrush painting a face on a canvas

Academics at ArtCenter

At ArtCenter, we’re not anticipating the future. We’re creating it.

ArtCenter students go beyond aesthetics and technical expertise to think critically, intelligently and humanely about their practice and its effects on others. Our undergraduate, graduate and extension programs—all remarkably diverse in their areas of emphasis, methods of teaching and curricula—stress this core sensibility while pushing students to solve problems creatively and learn by making in classrooms that often resemble professional creative studios.

ArtCenter offers 11 undergraduate and 10 graduate degrees through its divisions of Media and Technology, Visual Art and Communication, and Industrial Design. Through the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, it offers minors for undergraduate students in Business, Creative Writing, Material Science, Research, and Social Innovation, as well as a First-Year Immersion program that supports students’ transition to undergraduate-level majors.

Your creative journey starts here.

Interested in learning more?

Division of Media and Technology

Division of Visual Art and Communication

Division of Industrial Design

Division of Interdisciplinary Studies

ArtCenter transportation design student presents their steering wheel designs.

Why ArtCenter

If you're looking to pursue a creative path but not sure where to start, you’re in the right place.


Student Work

Ari Montanez

After ArtCenter

Gain the rich, intercultural and hands-on making experience needed to turn your passion into your profession in today’s thriving creative economy.

Take the next step toward a career in art and design.